From India to Starbucks: Exciting journey of Laxman Narasimha, the new CEO with a salary of Rs 144 crore
Being born and raised in Pune, India, Laxman Narasimhan has a great advantage of being able to speak various languages due to living in many different countries. Additionally, he became a barista – a person who specializes in making espresso coffee.Monday marked the beginning of Laxman Narasimhan’s tenure as Chief…
What people predicted about A.I.
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We can’t deny that AI has significantly impacted the modern world. Many of us may have our social media feeds filled with stories about AI innovations and predictions. Today, let’s look back from the 1900s to a few years back and see what people were saying about AI. Then we’ll…
Positive aspects of DEBT
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Turn the negative financial burdens into potential positives now with DeeMoney Opportunity: – Sometimes taking on debt can open up opportunities that would not be available without it. For example, taking out a loan to start a business, pursue higher education, or buy a home can lead to long-term financial…
Dazzling from home
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By Dr. Manisha Bose Revolutionising the way diamonds are sold at the tender age of 25, Akanksha Mehta-Shah, Partner at Living Stars Co., Ltd, successfully developed a work-from-home culture in diamond sales before it ever became a necessity. Akanksha Mehta Shah Living Stars is a family business that manufactures, wholesales, retails…
8 Types of Common Online Scams and How to Avoid Them
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In the US alone, almost 70 million people lost their money to online scammers in 2021 (around 21% of the population). In other words, in every 5 people, at least 1 of them has fallen into online fraud!1 Similar scenarios are also happening around the world, especially after the Covid-19…
Tourism Authority Revises Up Target for Indian Arrivals to 2 Million in 2023
4 Comments on Tourism Authority Revises Up Target for Indian Arrivals to 2 Million in 2023
The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) has revised its target for Indian arrivals from 1.4 million to 2 million this year due to recent changes in COVID-19 regulations by the Indian government. The Department of Health and Family Welfare of India issued revised measures on February 9, scrapping pre-departure RT-PCR…