Following the better than expected feedback on the government’s 50:50 or half-price co-pay general purchases subsidy campaign, the Ministry of Finance is now considering offering this benefit to more than 10 million people in the campaign’s second phase.
According to a post on the Ministry of Finance News page on Facebook, the government is now considering inviting more than 10 million people to join the next round of the 50:50 co-pay purchase subsidy campaign.
The 50:50 campaign is an economic stimulation measure introduced by the government in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. The campaign in the current initial phase gives each of 10 million successful applicants a 3,000 baht credit, which they can use at up to 150 baht a day to subsidize half the amount of their general purchases, with only a few exceptions.
The campaign is intended also to help small vendors and businesses, and help cut down the general public’s cost of living, while at the same time promoting the use of electronic transactions through the government’s mobile wallet app.
The 50:50 campaign targets people who have income; it is one of the economic measures introduced in addition to the allowance benefits for 14 million government welfare card holders, and a tax discount campaign on eligible purchases.
The Ministry of Finance says each of these campaigns targets different segments of the population, showing the government’s intention to help people of all groups.

According to a post on the Ministry of Finance News page on Facebook, the government is now considering inviting more than 10 million people to join the next round of the 50:50 co-pay purchase subsidy campaign.
The 50:50 campaign is an economic stimulation measure introduced by the government in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. The campaign in the current initial phase gives each of 10 million successful applicants a 3,000 baht credit, which they can use at up to 150 baht a day to subsidize half the amount of their general purchases, with only a few exceptions.
The campaign is intended also to help small vendors and businesses, and help cut down the general public’s cost of living, while at the same time promoting the use of electronic transactions through the government’s mobile wallet app.
The 50:50 campaign targets people who have income; it is one of the economic measures introduced in addition to the allowance benefits for 14 million government welfare card holders, and a tax discount campaign on eligible purchases.
The Ministry of Finance says each of these campaigns targets different segments of the population, showing the government’s intention to help people of all groups.